Okularowa kamera cyfrowa Bresser MikrOkular Full HD

Eyepiece camera with resolution 1920x1080 pixels (full HD). Includes different adapters for various microscopes and also for telescopes as well as capturing software compatible with Win 7/8/10. With this camera you can capture images and video, and document your microscope observations or share it with others. Ideal for hobby, school and work. On a telescope the camera allows to make images from the moon and bright planets. On a microscope it is it works very good with bright field and incident illumination.

Ostatnie sztuki
Gwarancja 24
300,00 zł


Eyepiece camera with resolution 1920x1080 pixels (full HD). Includes different adapters for various microscopes and also for telescopes as well as capturing software compatible with Win 7/8/10. With this camera you can capture images and video, and document your microscope observations or share it with others. Ideal for hobby, school and work. On a telescope the camera allows to make images from the moon and bright planets. On a microscope it is it works very good with bright field and incident illumination.


  • Eyepiece camera, metal housing
  • 23.2mm barrel, integrated UV/IR blocking filter
  • Adapter for various microscopes and telescopes included
    • Telescopes: imaging of the Moon and the planets
    • Microscopy: imaging with bright field and incident illumination
  • Telescope adapter includes filter thread for 1.25" filters
  • Multilanguage software, Win 7/8/10 compatible

The kit includes:

  • Camera module incl. dust cap
  • USB-cable
  • Adapters 30mm, 30.5mm, 31.7mm (31.7mm with locking screw)
  • Software CD (CamLabLite-Software)
  • Users guide included in the software (German, English)
MarkaBresser GmbH, Niemcy
Gwarancja2 года
Rozmiar opakowania (dł. x szer. x gł.)14x10x6 cm
Masa przesyłki0.22 kg
Kompatybilnośćtelescopes and microscopes
Maksymalna rozdzielczość, piksele1920x1080 (Full HD)
Rozmiar matrycy5,86 x 3,28 mm
Rozmiar piksela, µm3x3
Nagrywanie filmówyes
Miejsce montażutubus okularu 23,2 mm (nie okular), tubus ogniskujący o średnicy 31,75 mm/1,25" (nie okular)
Format obrazu*.jpg, *.bmp, *.png, *.tif
Format plików wideo*.avi
WyjścieUSB 2.0
Transmisja danychprzez przewód USB
Wymagania systemoweWindows 7/8/10, gniazdo USB, napęd CD-ROM
Język oprogramowaniarosyjski, angielski, niemiecki, francuski, polskie, chiński, turecki, indonezyjski
Dodatkowe cechyadapter teleskopu z gwintem do filtrów światła 1,25", zintegrowany filtr blokujący promieniowanie UV/IR, standard UVC