Mikroskop Bresser Erudit Basic 40–400x

The Bresser Erudit Basic 40–400x is a versatile biological microscope with binocular head. Observing with both eyes makes viewing more comfortable and ergonomic and improves detail recognition. With its high quality optics it is the perfect choice for use in school or hobby. With battery powered LED lighting it can be used anywhere, e.g. for fieldwork or excursions.

Ostatnie sztuki
Gwarancja 24
1 250,00 zł


The Bresser Erudit Basic 40–400x is a versatile biological microscope with binocular head. Observing with both eyes makes viewing more comfortable and ergonomic and improves detail recognition. With its high quality optics it is the perfect choice for use in school or hobby. With battery powered LED lighting it can be used anywhere, e.g. for fieldwork or excursions.

The microscope can be used on a great variety of subjects, for example thin sections, pond life, or blood smears. It is also a useful tool to look at parasites of pets and livestock (e.g. coccidia, helminths, skin and fur parasites).

Three magnifications (40x, 100x, 400x) deliver good resolution to see small details. There is no need to work with immersion oil. The achromatic DIN objectives deliver sharp images with nice detail. The 40x objective is spring loaded to minimize the risk of damage to specimen or objective.

The Bresser Erudit Basic 40–400x comes with a sturdy case for transport and storage, as well as with a smartphone holder for easy and convenient documentation of microscopic images and video.


  • Type: biological microscope, transmitted light, binocular head
  • Application: biology
  • Battery powered long life LED light for mobile use
  • Coarse and fine focus, coaxial
  • Coaxial mechanical desk
  • Adjustable Abbe condenser with diaphragm and filter holder
  • Comfortable eyepiece tube, 360° rotatable
  • Sturdy carry case

The kit includes:

  • Microscope body with LED light
  • 2 WF10x eyepieces
  • Achromatic DIN objectives (4x, 10x, 40x)
  • Abbe condenser N.A. 1.25, adjustable, with diaphragm and filter holder
  • Smartphone holder
  • Carry case
  • Box with preparations, empty slides and cover glasses
  • User manual
MarkaBresser GmbH, Niemcy
Gwarancja2 года
Rozmiar opakowania (dł. x szer. x gł.)49x36x22 cm
Masa przesyłki6.53 kg
Typbiologiczny, lekki/optyczny
Głowicaobracana w zakresie 360°
Powiększenie, x40 — 400
Średnica tubusu okularu, mm23.2
OkularyWF10x/18 mm (2 szt.)
Soczewki obiektywowe4 razy, 10 razy, 40 razy (achromatyczny, norma DIN)
Rewolwer3 obiektywy
Stolik, mmstolik mechaniczny, dwuosiowy, z przymiarem, mechaniczny
Kondensorkondensor Abbego N.A. 1,25 z przysłoną i uchwytem na filtry światła
Regulacja ostrościwspółosiowa; zgrubna i precyzyjna
Korpusaluminiowy, tworzywo sztuczne
Regulacja jasnościyes
Zasilanie3 baterie typu AA/LR6 (sprzedawane osobno)
Poziom zaawansowaniadla początkujących
Umiejscowienie źródła oświetleniadolne
Metoda badaniajasnego pola
Zestaw do eksperymentów w komplecieyes
Pokrowiec/futerał/torba w zestawiefuterał
Futerał/torba/plecak w komplecieyes